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My proposal is in relation to employment growth and employment creation, this will include how my proposal will contribute to economic growth and what sectors of the economy my proposal targets. This will also include the type of jobs my proposal creates and how my proposal will help rebrand the area. As well as this, my proposal also focuses on the old cafe heritage building, the smaller out of the two on the site which is a grade two listed building.

The vision for the development is to create a space promoting activation through increasing the level of mixed use whilst enhancing connections to the neighbourhood area, improve green and blue infrastructure increasing the exposure of the natural environment adding to biodiversity whilst also creating a space which is rich in its local heritage adding to the sense of place.


Focus on mixed use development including office space, leisure services such as restaurants and shops, and a mix of housing types including affordable housing. This will completely change the use of the current site as there is no activation outside business hours due to the site only having office space.

Focus on introducing new  infrastructure connecting the neighbouring area of the development as there is huge separation with little integration between the site and the local area. As well as this, there will be a large focus on the introduction of leisure services as this will attract those living outside the site to visit the new development.

Focus on developing strong green networks, increasing the exposure of the natural environment and creating a sense of well-being whilst also adding to the biodiversity of the development.

Focus on creating a space which is rich in its local heritage, promoting this as a form of marketing to visitors whilst also allowing the development to hold on to its history adding to the sense of place.

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